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A quick update before work.

7 May

As I type this, Seamus is playing around on the floor and Reese is eating his bone. This will give me about fifteen to twenty minutes peace before Seamus gets bored and decides my foot tastes better. Sometimes he will go to sleep after playing and I will get an hour.

So far so good with him though. Today I had to sleep because I was nightshift last night and am again tonight.  I had to treat it as if I was at work, and he was home. He cried for about ten minutes, then fell asleep. I woke around eleven, played with him for half an hour and then put him back in.  He let me sleep till three when I woke on my own and let him out of the crate again. We went outside where he and Reese ran around the yard together and visited the neighbors for a bit, than sat on the step while I drank my coffee.

I’m glad this worked out so well. Next week I am nights for three shifts in a row, but we are getting a roommate here at the house, so she will be able to help with the puppy with any luck. He will be a whole week older as well, which makes a big difference at this age. I am glad we waited until Reese was almost two to get a second pup. Reese is well behaved now, and will listen to us better. If he gets too rough playing I can just say NO and he will settle down quickly.  We had taken in a pup for a little while last year until we could find a home for her, and it was very hard with Reese still being so young. The year made a big difference.

Just a Post.

8 Apr

I haven’t been in a posting mood the last little while. Been busy doing overtimes and walking with the dog outside, it’s been really nice out, even if it’s still not very warm.  We got a collar for the pup and a new one for Reese too. Here is a new picture of Seamus. He is the dark guy on the left who is facing the camera. We are going to visit him next week, so there’ll be more pictures.



Here is Reese wearing  his new collar. It’s thicker than the other one, which doesn’t really mean much except it doesn’t look like he’ll snap it, and I love the colors. This is a trail we love to walk.



And here is one for everyone’s enjoyment…This pulled up outside my window today and I couldn’t help snapping a picture because I was shocked someone would drive this.


experimenting with html

5 Apr

I purchased a book on html today to try and learn how to do it. So I thought I’d try it here.

I learned how to write titles

I learned how to write a body

I am now google eyed

Let’s see how this looks!

I can’t remember how to do bullets or numbers, and I’m too google eyed to find out, but there you go

A Few of my Favourite Things

4 Apr

Not much has happened lately worth writing about, unless you count the OCD patient at work who had a ten page birth plan and ended up with a c-section under general anesthetic.  A great story, but for another time.  I was going through my pictures to see what I wanted to post next, and found the one below.  It reminded me of one of my favourite places ever, so I thought I’d write about it.  This picture was taken in New Harris, Nova Scotia, at my friends uncle’s cottage.  He would let people stay there as long as you gave notice so you didn’t end up with too many at once.  So while we were in nursing school, we would go every labour day weekend as a last bit of summer fun before the work began again.

The weekend would be filled with hot tubs, ATV’s, swimming and drinking.  We have so many stories from our trips there, the best being the time my bra somehow ended up twisted around the golf cart muffler.  I will always treasure the time spent at this cottage, a time when we didn’t have to be grownups quite yet, but had enough sense to know how to have fun.


Playing with themes…

30 Mar

So the few readers I have might have noticed my blog looks different pretty much everyday. I have been playing with the themes and am trying to find one that works. I think it might be time to finally learn HTML or some graphics stuff. Anyway Hopefully I will find one I like soon! If there are any suggestions I’d love to hear!